Tshiluba Language

Question Words in the Tshiluba

Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How Much?

Here are some useful question words to help you ask the right questions with people in Tshiluba Language.

Where? 1) Penyi?
2) Kuepi
Where is the phone? Telefone undi penyi?
Where is this? Tundi penyi?
When? Tshikondo kayi?
When are you coming Udi ulma diba kayi?
When will you travel? Udi uya ku luendi diba kayi?
How? Bishi?
How can I get to Kananga? Munyi mundi mua kufika ku Kananga?
How is your brother? Tutu undi munyi?
How is your family? Diku diebe didi munyi?
Which? Penyi?
Which land is mine? Lupangu luanyi luepi?
What? Tshinyi?
What did you do? Udi muenza tshinyi?
Who? Ngani?
Who is the traditional leader of this village? Mfumu wa kabukulu wa tshitupa etshi nganyi?
Who did this? Ngani udi muenza mushindu ewu?
Why? Buatshinyi?
Why did he do this? Buatshinyi yeye mueze nanku?
Why is there no food? Buatshinyi kena ne buakudia?

How can you use "how much" to buy things?

How much? Mushinga kayi?
How much is this food? Mushinga kayi bua dilongo dia biakudia ebi?
How much is a ticket to Tshikapa? Mushinga kayi wa mukanda wa luelu kuya ku Tshikapa?

Learn Tshiluba

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